Aurora Tracks See Northern Lights

How to Read the Northern Lights Forecast ICELAND

how to read northern lights forecast iceland 2

Planning to see aurora borealis in Iceland? Find out how to access and read the northern lights forecast Iceland, so you can catch the aurora at its best.

The northern lights are some of nature’s most mesmerizing natural phenomena. And, countless enthusiasts make their way to Iceland every single year just to increase their chances of catching a glimpse of the elusive lights.

While Iceland is known as one of the prime locations for witnessing this stunning display, to increase your chances of seeing northern lights in Iceland forecast apps and trackers are essential.

There are several excellent sources for forecast models in Iceland. In this guide, we share the most reliable northern lights Iceland forecast websites and apps, and explain how to interpret the forecast information for aurora hunting.

Best Source for Northern Lights Forecast ICELAND

Icelandic Met Office

The Icelandic Met Office or IMO, is the number one source for the northern lights forecast Iceland. They have an excellent website that provides up-to-date information on aurora activity as well as weather conditions. When you visit the Icelandic Met Office website, you will find many important features on the forecasting page:

Aurora Activity Forecast

Aurora activity is measured on a scale from 0 to 9, which indicates the amount of geomagnetic activity in the upper atmosphere. The higher the number, the stronger the activity, and therefore the stronger the auroras. During the peak of the solar cycle, seeing 8s and 9s on the Aurora activity forecast is commonplace.

Cloud Cover Forecast

The Icelandic Met Office also offers cloud cover forecasts that provide maps which can predict cloud coverage across the entire nation. Overcast skies can quickly interfere with your ability to view the elusive lights, which is why it’s important to pay close attention to the cloud coverage in your particular area. Using the cloud coverage forecast, you can also predict the best nearby locations for viewing the elusive lights.

northern lights in iceland forecast

Other Sources for Northern Lights Forecast Iceland

There are also several other forecast websites and mobile apps that offer real-time aurora forecasts and alerts to those visiting Iceland. These platforms were created with a user-friendly interfaces which makes using them a lot easier for accessing northern lights forecast Iceland, than the Icelandic Met Office alone.

Popular services include:

Benefits of using other websites and apps

Aurora Alerts

Most apps and websites offer aurora alerts based on the northern lights forecast Iceland, which will notify you when aurora activity is at its highest. Some apps will even offer push notifications, to give you audible or physical notifications when the auroras have been spotted in your region, and can be used as a wake-up call in the middle of the night.

Real-time Solar Wind Data

Solar winds play a crucial role in the development of the northern lights, which is why it’s important to have real-time solar wind data. These models can provide accurate information when it comes to large bursts of solar radiation, which can help to increase your chances of viewing the elusive lights.

Aurora Maps

You will also find that most of the apps and websites provide you with aurora maps. These visual maps show you where the northern lights are more likely to appear, by highlighting portions of the map in different colors.

Listen to Local Northern Lights in Iceland Forecast Advice

Of course, to get the most out of your trip to Iceland, it is always best to reach out to local tour guides and tour operators, who can provide you with amazing aurora tips. Not only do they monitor all of the scientific data, but they also have the local weather knowledge that can provide you with more practical advice on the best viewing locations and times.

Related Article: Best 1-Night Northern Lights Tours in Reykjavik

How to Read Northern Lights Forecast ICELAND

Unlocking the Kp Index: A Measure of Aurora Activity

What is the Kp Index?

The Kp index is a scale that measures the amount of geomagnetic activity in the upper atmosphere. This scale runs from 0 to 9, with 9 representing the highest intensity of geomagnetic activity.

How to Interpret the Kp Index

When checking the northern lights forecast Iceland, every aurora chaser must know and understand the Kp index.

KpAurora Borealis Visibility
0-2  When you see a Kp scale of 0 to 2, there is a slim chance that you will be able to view the elusive lights even on a clear night.  
3-4  Throughout most of Iceland, a KP index of 3 to 4 means that you will have an excellent view of the aurora borealis so long as the skies are clear  
5-6  When the Kp index hits a 5 or 6, you are guaranteed to view the elusive lights at any point throughout Iceland, even if the skies are partly cloudy.  
7-9  During the peak of the solar cycle, you might see Kp index numbers of 7 to 9, which means that you can view the northern lights much further south.  

Tools for Monitoring the Kp Index

To monitor the Kp index, you can check with popular apps and websites including the Icelandic Met Office and NOAA.

Related Article: Best Northern Lights Forecast Apps

Cloudy Skies or Clear Views? Understanding Cloud Cover

The Importance of Cloud Cover

Even if the Kp index is high, clouds can easily obstruct your view of the northern lights. That’s why it is important to pay close attention to cloud coverage data as well.

Interpreting Cloud Cover Forecasts

Luckily, the IMO provides you with a detailed cloud coverage forecast for the entire country.

Cloud CoverAurora Borealis Visibility
Clear Sky
(0-2 / 8)
The lower the number, the better the conditions are for viewing the northern lights.
Partly Cloudy
(3-5 / 8)
As the numbers climb to about 3 to 5, the chances of clouds obstructing part of the sky increase substantially.
Mostly Cloudy
(6-7 / 8)
Once the number climbs to 6 to 7, the skies are expected to be mostly cloudy, which limits your ability to see even bright stars.
(8 / 8)
At the highest point of the cloud cover scale, you will not be able to view the aurora borealis at all.

Regional Cloud Cover Variations

Keep in mind that Iceland’s weather can vary significantly across the different regions. Even if the forecast shows cloud coverage in one area, it might be possible to travel to another nearby area to view the elusive lights.

  • Travel to Clearer Areas: Make use of real-time weather data to find the clearest skies within a reasonable distance of your base camp.
  • Local Microclimates: Take the time to speak to the local tour guides who understand the microclimates.

Tools for Cloud Cover Forecasts

Make use of the locally available cloud coverage forecast.

  • Icelandic Met Office website
  • (Norwegian weather service, known for accurate forecasts in Iceland)
  • Local weather apps
check apps for northern lights forecast iceland before you go out exploring
Remember to check mobile apps for the northern lights forecast Iceland before you go out exploring. There may not be internet out there.

How to Use Northern Lights Iceland Forecast for Aurora Chasing

Tips for Applying Northern Lights Iceland Forecast Info

Combine Data Sources

Of course, to be successful at hunting for the aurora borealis, it’s important to make use of multiple data points. Points to be mindful of:

Aurora Activity (Kp Index)

While a high Kp index increases your chances of viewing the elusive lights, it does not guarantee that you will be able to see them if they appear.

Cloud Cover Forecasts

To increase your chances of viewing the aurora borealis, ensure that the skies are clear or at the bare minimum, only partly cloudy.

Weather Conditions

Also take into consideration the temperature, wind, and potential for precipitation.

Planning Your Aurora Hunt in Iceland

Check Daily Forecasts

When it comes time to head out into the wilderness, make sure that you check the most recent northern lights in Iceland forecast information before you hit the road.

Be Flexible

Always make sure to be flexible, because the weather can change rapidly throughout most of Iceland.

Use Technology

Make use of the many different apps and websites, to stay up to date with real-time alerts. Checking multiple aurora forecast sources is also wise, especially if you are relying on apps, as mobile apps in general are subject to various technical issues.

Check apps before you leave for the night; apps require internet to access forecast information, and you may not get wifi access outside of towns.

Tip: Check forecast apps before going out, because there may not be internet in the countryside.

Local Insights

And of course, consult the local tour guides and communities for up-to-date information on microclimates and perfect viewing locations.

There are many great evening tours for northern lights departing from the major cities such as Reykjavik run by local tour guides (check out our list of 1-night tours departing from Reykjavik here), that are affordable and will give you the best chance of seeing the lights for the local geography.

For more information on planning an aurora trip, check out our guides on the best time to see northern lights in Iceland and best places to see northern lights in Iceland.

Safety and Preparedness

Always remember to stay safe whenever you are out in the wilderness hunting for the elusive lights.

  • Dress Warmly: During the peak of the winter months, the Icelandic nights can be extremely cold. So, make sure to dress warmly.
  • Travel Safely: Roads may also be hazardous, especially during winter, so check out the local road conditions before you head out into the field.
  • Stay Informed: Always stay on top of your game, with updated and reliable sources of information.

Final Thoughts

This brings us to the end of our guide on how to read and access northern lights forecast Iceland. To summarize the main points:

The best source of Iceland northern lights forecast information is:

Icelandic Met Office:

When reading the aurora borealis forecast for Iceland, the most important parameter to pay attention to is the Kp Index. In addition to the Kp Index, you will need to check a Cloud Cover forecast. The Icelandic Met Office website provides up-to-date forecast information for both Kp and Cloud.

To learn how to read forecasts in greater detail, including the other parameters a northern lights forecast Iceland (eg solar wind), check out our article on How to Read a Northern Lights Forecast.

Happy aurora hunting!

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